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11 November 2021

PPMG launches glu, the global learning umbrella


Dubai’s leading modern media group PPMG, has launched GLU, an app that will help to revolutionise learning.

GLU (the Global Learning Umbrella) is an innovative web-based app that bridges the gap between schools, teachers, parents, and students for a more collaborative learning experience.

It provides 24/7 access to resources, as well as practical solutions to resolve any issues, while pushing for the best learning outcomes for students.

By using GLU all parties are able to view and share relevant educational information as well as the past, present and future study skills of the student.

  • Live classes with real time interactions between student and teacher – just like a classroom.
  • Increases student’s access time to time to educational resources.
  • 24/7 access to lessons, enables learning in student’s own time and environment, which should in turn increase productivity.
  • Range of qualified and experienced teachers allows for differentiation for students by provision.
  • All of the important academic information, held in one place with easy access.
  • Bridges communication channels.
  • Allows for deep individualised learning as students can take control of their progress with the support of teachers and parents.
  • Innovative and technologically advanced, helps to fulfil school inspection requirements.
  • Streamlines processes for teachers.
  • Easy to use for all involved, from any device.
  • Transparency and accountability.
  • It’s a real time interactive whiteboard.

Ryan Williams, GLU’s CEO and Co-Founder commented: “GLU is a holistic student-focused educational app that will help to improve and personalise the education experience for students, teachers, parents and schools across the world. We believe in the importance of education and we aim to remove barriers regardless of the student’s situation.

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